Do We In The Body Of Christ Have A Democratic Right?

Do We In The Body Of Christ Have A Democratic Right?

The heart of discipleship is that willingness to surrender all our rights, all our wants, what we think it should be to ..surrender to oneness of the Spirit in the Body of Christ. That is it’s aim and that is what the Holy Spirit is establishing now in these last days as we believe now the Bride is making herself ready.

It is our willingness to surrender to the true unity and oneness and to allow the Holy Spirit who is sovereign to take over and to lead us into what God requires.

All the while we think we have a democratic right in the Church, in the Body of Christ we are never going to fully understand or hear what the Spirit is saying.

This idea that I have a democratic right is basically my assuming and voting what I think is right in the Church. None of us know whether anything is right unless God reveals, and He reveals through His Word. So I want us to bear that in mind tonight as we look at this.

Firstly we need to distinguish

Jesus Disciple

Pastor Kim

from the Word what is the Body of Christ and secondly who we really submit to. Now the Body of Christ is a group of believers who are born again and filled with the Spirit who come together for fellowship, prayer, breaking of bread and ministering of the Word.

…The idea of the Body of Christ is local assemblies coming together in true unity and oneness. The only way that the Body of Christ is going to grow is when we take God’s Word and teaching and start to pray and intercede that God will raise up a Body.

And He will do that, that is how we started….When I came out of denominationalism a few of us prayed that a body would be formed, and so God began to move on hearts and bring people together in true oneness and fellowship and unity…..

Do We In The Body Of Christ Have A Democratic Right? | Jesus Disciple | Body of Christ

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