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Disciple Meaning | Jesus disciple | making disciples

Our work is not to save souls but to make disciples of them, that’s why we’re called witnesses .. you’re not called to go out and save people .. you are fundamentally called to make disciples of saints and there is a difference. That is discipleship in the bible.

 Making Disciples and Discipleship In The Bible

Luke 10:20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”

‘Our work only begins where God’s grace has laid the foundation’.

discipleship in the bible - making disciples
Jesus said not to rejoice in successful service, yet we do. We have still at times a sort of commercialised view of success in Christendom and it goes something like this

‘How many souls were saved in your church over the last year?’ ‘Where do you go by the way?’ O I go to FGA ‘How many people do you have in your church? ‘How big is the outreach?’ ‘How may got healed in that special service that you had the other week?’ ‘How many books [or cd’s] do you sell on your bookstall?’ ‘How big was the offering?’ ‘How many young people attend your church?’ ‘What are you doing in the community – have an outreach?’

 One Jesus disciple is worth one hundred times one who has just been emotionally moved by this Hollywood presentation of the Gospel, because that is about commitment.

What Is Discipleship In The Bible ?

You’re not out to save souls, you’re out to make disciples.  It’s important the way we live, the way we come over, what we hold to, what we believe because we are reproducing our own kind. When young lambs come to the Lord they are going to look at you the same as a child looks to the parents and copies the parents.  You can never be an example, a witness to others if you are critical of them.  If you treat them how God is treating you – in mercy and grace, you will make disciples.

Do I want them to be like me?

If we let God take hold of our lives and we present ourselves on that alter (Romans 12:1-2) and want to take up our cross and follow Him, then you can’t do any more that that and you can confidently say:

‘Yes, I do want them to follow like me, even though there are things in my life God’s still dealing with I still want them to follow me because I want them to follow that commitment..’

If you’ve made a mistake then own up and say

‘I’m human like you and I’ve made a mistake and I’m sorry, forgive me.’ They’ll actually identify with that.

It’s all about being saved – ‘your name being written in heaven’.  Your salvation had nothing to do with you, it was God who chose you and is dealing with your life

 If you know you have been touched by God’s mercy then you will be able to touch and be an example and witness to others.

The Cross and Discipleship in the bible

 Colossians 3:3 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

Crucified Life: It’s not your life any more, it’s the life of Christ, and if anybody’s going to be seen it’s not me but the life of Christ in me labouring and working. Without this you will never produce a Jesus disciple.  All the while you are displaying yourself, your new car and the latest suit you wear and how big your ministry is and so on, you will never know what it is to work in the vineyard. It’s a counterfeit.
Humble: God’s not given any of us authority to put people straight, even an apostle if he has to do that will do it in fear and trembling. Why even the apostle Paul didn’t want to do it but sometimes he had to do it – he had to write letters but it never came easy to him because he always desired people to follow out of love because they want to.
Love not duty: Respect in relationships comes because you want to love that person not because you have to or you must or because it’s expected of you. The old Victorians – and it was in my family – it used to be made very clear to me ‘it is your duty to do that’ and of course that was all I knew – that it was my duty to do a thing.  And when I found the Gospel and when Christ found me and He asked me – ‘I’m not forcing you’ – that love is based on wanting to love not because it’s your duty – wow what a deliverance that was for me – because that’s what I was brought up with.
Prayerful concern: And we do exactly the same. We see at times things go wrong with the brother or sister, and I’ve always said nine times out of ten you get in prayer, you pray for them because God will show them, God will deal with them, God will change them. Half the time they’re not going to listen to you anyway. If you have children, you know, if you tell them they’ll do completely the opposite and it’s like ‘did they hear anything I said?’ That’s how we are, that’s what sin has done .. it just seems to naturally come out of us

Workers In The Vineyard

Let Go and Let God: But when God does it He has a way – He works it in love, He works it in respect He works it because He does it first. There’s just a way that God can get us to obey Him and to yield over that man can’t do. It’s not to say that there isn’t that responsibility – of course there is. But even if you are to correct your brother or sister (and the bible says
you are to) there are ways in which you do it.  And very often it is through prayer through intercession, sometimes praying for a long time – and then you begin to see the mighty hand of God working – changing that saint in the way that He does.
That is discipleship in the bible:  We don’t go around putting people straight and telling them what they should and shouldn’t do, that is cultish, that is what cults are made out of. You can always tell the nature of a cult because cults produce clones, they all look alike, say the same thing, think the same thing and they can even look the same .. thank God we’re all different.  God doesn’t try to change you he receives us as we are.  That’s the wonderful news of the Gospel – Jesus moved amongst all of them. We know because the disciples were offended at times with the company that He kept.  The disciples were embarrassed but Jesus wasn’t  because He was making disciples.

Conclusion | True Spiritual Success

You don’t have to advertise it, you don’t have to rush and write a book.  There’s myriads of books in shelves in Christian book shops based on spiritual success. God doesn’t want that, the bible says you can’t contain all the miracles – the bible cannot even contain what has been what is and what will be. When Jesus rose from the dead and He appeared for those forty days there’s not an awful lot recorded yet there was a huge amount going on in His ministry.  God has a way of glorifying His name. He doesn’t need man to do it. God doesn’t need your help to reveal Christ in you.  If you are walking with Him as a Jesus disciple yielding each day over to the Holy Spirit you don’t have to try and work at glorifying His name.

‘I’d better go out, I’d better go and witness to these guys at work today .. I’ve been holding this off for 2 or 3 weeks and I’ve got to go out now and tell them about the Lord..’

‘If you’re walking with Me and obeying Me I’m well able to reveal myself through you, I’m well able to touch those peoples lives.’

Discipleship in the bible is practical

It’s often a practical way:  Maybe just giving time for that person, or just moving alongside and showing an interest in them.  Or just knowing that the guy was at work going through a tough time (you don’t go over and pat him on the back what use is that to him).  But if you move along side and let him start to talk – he doesn’t want to hear anything from you – just let him talk – maybe just to talk to someone and trust someone is a start – that’s the life of Christ in you.
Latent fruit:  On that day when we get into glory we are going to be completely amazed at who we’re going to see in heaven’Wow, she’s there, I remember praying for her years back ‘Lord
Jesus Disciple
have mercy over her soul’. Wow he’s there, I remember telling him about Jesus, and that family, I knew they were going through real trials and I said ‘Lord I just confess the blood of Jesus over that household’ and look they’re there. That’s what is going to happen
Never limit what God will do: let the Holy Spirit reveal to us what He’s doing. Don’t look any more to this commercialism, it’s such a hindrance.  Let the Holy Spirit open our eyes to what He’s doing. It often starts with that small seed, but when you’re looking at it and glorifying God in it then it multiples multiplies multiplies – He’s getting us away, separating us – getting us out of the camp so that we can then see God, we can listen to God – we can do it His way not our way or what we think is right.

Warfare and Discipleship in the bible

Whenever God calls you and works with you it’s no hit and miss, you will be led by God. He gives you that confidence, He gives you that assurance He gives His angels charge over you. Whatever opposition you’re getting from the Powers of Darkness you just move forward because you know God is with you.
That’s what He’s bringing us to. And all the opposition yes they’re saying what they’re saying – trying to say this, trying to do that – but I know God’s in this and I’m moving forward. That’s what He’s bringing us to – and how the enemy hates that because that is taking the giants of the land – that is the church moving forward in the last conflict.
discipleship in the bible
Pastor Kim
Satan tries to stop the work in every way, but remember all he does is roar .. he can’t touch you, he can’t harm you because you’re sealed, covered by the blood of Christ. I remember years ago I know I’ve brought this up before, we went to minister to a woman who was very much in New Age .. and I remember sitting in this room and she sat opposite and I could just see she was going into a trance and I could almost see this demonic force around her. [I was] trying to share the Gospel and those demons were trying to stop her [receiving] and she looked over to me and in a strange weird voice she said ‘you can’t be touched can you, you have a wall around you‘.  I silenced it what was speaking out of her, but God used that to show the hedge of protection that we have around us. They see it – those caught in the occult – they know it – demons know it – and that is why we have that authority to cast out demons.  All glory to God.  Amen

 Jesus disciple | discipleship in the bible |witness | What is a Witness in the Bible

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