Stay With Prayer And Don’t Be Discouraged

Stay With Prayer And Don't Be Discouraged

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Where Is God?

Genesis 21:19  (KJV)

19 And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water

God isn’t trying to hide from us. He’s waiting for us to see Him.

If we want to know God, we have to follow Him. Follow His instructions. Follow His heart. Follow His example.

Not just follow along as we mindlessly repeat the words of Jesus songs and scribble some notes during the pastor’s sermon.


Really follow. Follow hard. Follow passionately. Follow fully. Follow with engaged minds and willing hearts and open hands and ready feet.

And where can we start this kind of all-out following? By asking God to let us see Him.

When we pray, we invite the divine presence of the almighty God to do life with us that day. Then we need to watch for Him — go on a God-hunt and make connections between the things we pray for and the things that happen throughout the day. This is the direct evidence of His hand at work — in us, around us, and in spite of us.

Rest assured, God isn’t trying to hide from us. He is waiting for us to see Him.


Dear Lord, You are so good — faithful, fulfilling, encouraging, and worthy of following with all my heart, mind, and soul. I invite You into my day. Help me to keep my eyes open and to recognize Your hand at work in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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