God Is Working A Permanent And Enduring Faith | Video

Pastor Kim

..It is only those who have there eyes firmly fixed upon the Lord Jesus Christ who will come out of this purified as gold. ‘ God Is Working A Permanent And Enduring Faith. ‘

God Is Working A Permanent And Enduring Faith

It is a purging – a purifying.. That is what makes an overcomer. That is why I so emphasise the seven churches in Asia Minor. Those seven churches that the book of Revelation was written to.

To Those Who Overcome

The book of Revelation was written to gentiles. It was not written to Jews. Although the Jews are there in chapter seven – of course they are. They are God’s ancient remnant. But the book of Revelation is written to the church. It’s a message to the churches. And that is how you interpret the book of Revelation. Each of those churches are a type. They speak to us today. Each of the messages are to those who overcome. They were going through various conflicts and trials. The key message was to those who overcome.. Who remained faithful to the end.

God Is Working A Permanent And Enduring Faith

And that message does not change. The Word of God does not change. The Holy Spirit does not change. God is the same yesterday today and forever. We try to change God don’t we – to suit our circumstances. To suit our environment – our generation that we live in. But He doesn’t change. The Word of God also says that there’s nothing new under the sun.

It is those who overcome. In other words those who are faithful to the Word of God – to the light that we have received and are receiving. That is why I always come back to the Sword of The Spirit – The Word of God. And the Word of God will address Corona. Not man – God will. And what we need to know and the root of it.. ..

Pastor Kim

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