Self Is Often The Issue | Self Life Or Deeper Life ? | Video


Self Is Often The Issue

” Faith comes by hearing your Word. Lord we need your Word into our hearts to sustain keep and feed us. To enable us to overcome and endure to the end. Lord I pray you’ll grant this to each of us in Jesus name. Amen amen. Well I have a title this evening and we’re calling our teaching ‘ Self Is Often The Issue ‘. “

” I want to base this from a familiar chapter and verse. The latter part of the verse in Luke 14 and verse 26 where Jesus speaks about following Him. Putting Him first in everything. The important part of the verse is the latter part.. ‘ yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. ‘ “

Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. 


” We understand that what our Lord is saying with regard to ‘hate’ is simply hating the alternative to discipleship – hating the the self life wanting it’s way.. ”

Self Is Often The Issue

” He makes the reality in us and through us where we’re to hate the alternative. There are going to be times when we are tested with the alternative. God is going to show us where we are with regard to it. Let’s make no bones about it – some sadly have been challenged with the alternative and no longer walk this walk.. Because the alternative is always Jesus first and denial to the self life.. “

Self Is Often The Issue


We know that only God can help the Jesus disciple with that. It is not something that is achievable in human nature. Jesus is talking about the 24/7 walk in the Spirit. The perpetual denial in this life of the self .. This is probably the most difficult aspect of His command.

If you try to give things up and be good – to walk this walk in self denial – you will eventually give up in misery. Why? Because you’ve never settled the cross – the denial of self.

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.   Luke 9:23  

If we’re not really willing ‘settle it’ we’re deceived and oppressed by the self image and pride – the self assurance and reliance of the self made person – the worldly wiseman. The self image will always challenge the walk of the deeper life so that we never really know it’s blessings. Where there is strife there is still self on the throne not the Prince of Peace ministering to soul spirit and mind.

Rejection as we know is because there’s that refusal to forgive. You can’t pray for your enemies, you can’t bless those who persecute you – you can’t turn the other cheek – because self gets in the way.


What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?   1Corinthians 6:19  
 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.   1Corinthians 6:20 

If we don’t deny that self life and make Christ central in everything we say and do and be – then we’re going to put other things before Him. And those other things will be yourself and the affections of self. Self is the issue. You’re going to hold affections for all your possessions and never understand that they don’t belong to you.

Without the denial of self we commit to religious works when we should be committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone. We get it all wrong. That’s all we can see and all we can live for. Because we’re going to be committed to something. It’s human nature.


I am crucified with Christ: neverthless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.   Galatians 2:20  

God says I’m releasing you from the bondage control and rebellion of your flesh. The Holy Spirit will do the rest – that’s what He’s come for. He has come to birth in you Himself which is Jesus.

Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.  John 14:17  
 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.   John 14:18 

Jesus Himself comes back to us through the baptism of the Spirit – for the very purpose that we can now live by faith in the Son of God. The Deeper Life is where Christ does what He wants in and through me.


” In everything we experience we can boast only of one. It is the Lord who has done it and who does it. that is why I’ve always believed that the nature deeper life teaching is deliverance. It is to deliver us from that selfish life – else I will always make the wrong choices. I will always put self first above the Lord. “

” Well there we are brothers and sisters, that is what I believe the Holy Spirit has given today. ‘ Self Is Often The Issue ‘. Whatever’s going on.. very often self is the issue. Because He loves us He’s going to deal with that issue and remove it. So that we can be healed and made whole in mind body and spirit. “


” Heavenly Father you love us so much. Your love Father is so great that it will deal with self. It will deal with those wrong ungodly affections that we still can hold in our hearts. It will deal with our selfishness. Your love will deliver us so that we can be followers and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, and live by the power of your Spirit. “

” Father you’re restoring the church – you’re restoring us in these last days for this experience. We know that the power of the Holy Spirit is the only one who can accomplish this. O Lord Jesus help us Father, help us not to run away from this. To be in denial of this or to leave it to another day. “

” Father if we have heard today then we know how to act. And it is important that we hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Father we desire to come to that place where self is not the issue any more. Father you can do that and we believe that you will do that, because you love us and we love you. In Jesus name. Amen amen. “

Pastor Kim


self life | deeper life | ‘you are mine’ | the end of self | Have Your Way

Self Is Often The Issue


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