The Lord Give You Revelation And Understanding 2 | Video

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..I would really like to take this up further, because you know – when you preach and teach sometimes you go through a season where you just are burdened or you feel that God is just emphasising certain things to you. I know at this moment I have a real burden, a real unction if you like about how we’re hearing. How those who profess His name are really hearing. ‘ The Lord Give You Revelation And Understanding. ‘

The Lord Give You Revelation And Understanding (2)
Pastor Kim

God wants us to know a little bit about what goes on in us – through us – as to how we hear. He actually wants us to be attuned to this. He wants us to not only understand the Parable of The Sower theologically.. but experientially. In other words we don’t realise that the Parable of The Sower is happening every time we get together.

revelation and understanding
Laodicea, aqueduct and water distribution point

Every time people hear God’s Word that principle, that parable is in operation. Many times when we read in scripture parables or when we read the Word of God, we’re not very good at putting our name and address to that which we’re reading or quoting. In other words what I’m reading there is actually speaking to me – it’s applicable to me.

Point The Finger At Yourself

The Lord Give You Revelation And Understanding (2)
The Lord Give You Revelation And Understanding

The Word of God which is alive and sharper than any two edged sword is applicable to me. And so we have that responsibility before the Lord to see if we are meeting the conditions. Because everything we appropriate is by faith.

We know that, and it’s so easy to have that attitude when we are listening to the Word of God or when we are at church, sometimes we can think ‘my partner, my wife, my husband – are you listening to this this morning? You know, or ‘I think this is really speaking to the church today’ little realising that you are part of the church as well.

Pastor Kim

Lord Give You Revelation Understanding | teaching bible verses | Word of God


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