How We Reject God | Do We Have A Heart For God ? | Video

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Pastor Kim

.. So Israel is really going to be taught a real lesson here. Because God is beginning to show them that unless your heart is changed – unless you have those godly affections within your heart – you will not follow God or His ways. ‘ How We Reject God. ‘

How We Reject God
How We Reject God

Now has that changed for us under the New Covenant? Certainly not. God is always challenging in that area. He’s always showing us – do we have a heart, is it there, do you want it? Because we’re told in the scriptures that only God can enlarge our hearts to embrace what He has for us. Else we will always go back to the world and it’s ways which Israel is doing. Israel clearly shows she doesn’t want Jahweh as her king.

The Outward Appearance or The Heart?

They’re no longer looking to God.. who was to lead them as a pillar fire by night and a cloud by day. They’re not acknowledging that, they’re now looking to the nations around them. ‘Look at them – prospering. They have all the refinery – someone who looks like a king – is respected like a king. Look at the power the kings have. Our king and leaders don’t look like that – a laughing stock.’ And so many Christians have that same type of spirit today. This is why many don’t want to be identified with a work like this. Or come along to Full Gospel Assembly – ‘it looks ridiculous. Just a handful – what a joke. Let’s go to churches on the end of the street that look like churches. And where they’ve got more people and it looks respectable.’

I told you – it’s still the same today. That sin is still committed today. Because they don’t want separation. They don’t want to hear ‘come out from among them and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing.’ Allot of Christendom is unclean. It’s in adultery – it’s Laodicean.. The only problem with that is that God isn’t in it. That’s the problem. But they don’t want to hear – the same as these Israeli elders didn’t want to hear the warning that God was giving.. ..

Pastor Kim
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